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ShoutBox Rules

Discussion in 'Rules & Regulations' started by admin, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. admin

    admin Administrator Moderator

    Rules for the ShoutBox as follows:

    1) No adult material: (No 18+ material in the ShoutBox) That means no adult material role played, linked to, or talked about ( sex/yiff, gore, and uncomfortable topics.)
    Swears are allowed, use your big boy words.

    2) No drama: Don't start fights or arguments on the forums that are offensive to another person. (This can result in permanent removal of user(s) involved.)

    3) No Drug chat: Prescription ok, Illegal not okay. The discussion of Illegal substance is not allowed. Leave it to your real-life chat and not for the public chat.

    5) All other forum rules apply if they possible can to the ShoutBox.

    6) Do not post full images or full videos on the Shoutbox. Links to them are preferred. Use the direct link (If you are using photobucket) and not the other link, instead. This also means no posting direct links to sexually explicit adult content or disturbing photos.

    7) Please do not go over the top with "clean" Role playing as it may offend other users. There are other programs you can easily use appropriately.

    *The box used to be called the "Chatbox" If you have any questions regarding the old box. Please PM a member of the staff.*
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2014
  2. Razor

    Razor Former Staff

    Rule #3 has been updated.

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